- Tutorial
This tutorial explains unit testing with JUnit
4.x. It explains the creation of JUnit tests and how to run them in Eclipse or
via own code.
Table of Contents
This tutorial is part of
this Kindle book:
A unit test is a piece of code written by a
developer that executes a specific functionality in the code under test. Unit
tests ensure that code is working as intended and validate that this is still
the case after code changes.
Typically unit tests are created in their own
project or their own source folder to avoid that the normal code and the test
code is mixed.
JUnit 4.x is a test framework which uses
annotations to identify methods that are test methods. The following code shows
a JUnit test method.
public void
testMultiply() {
// MyClass is tested
MyClass tester = new MyClass();
// Check if multiply(10,5)
returns 50
assertEquals("Result", 50, tester.multiply(10,
JUnit assumes that all test methods can be
executed in an arbitrary order. Therefore tests should not depend on other
To write a test with JUnit you annotate a method
with the @org.junit.Test annotation and use a method provided by
JUnit to check the expected result of the code execution versus the actual
You can use the Eclipse user interface or
the org.junit.runner.JUnitCore class to run the test.
The following table gives an overview of the available
annotations in JUnit 4.x.
@Test public void method()
The annotation @Test identifies
that a method is a test method.
@Before public void method()
Will execute the method before
each test. This method can prepare the test environment (e.g. read input
data, initialize the class).
@After public void method()
Will execute the method after each
test. This method can cleanup the test environment (e.g. delete temporary
data, restore defaults).
@BeforeClass public void method()
Will execute the method once,
before the start of all tests. This can be used to perform time intensive
activities, for example to connect to a database. Methods annotated with this
annotation need a static modifier to work with JUnit.
@AfterClass public void method()
Will execute the method once,
after all tests have finished. This can be used to perform clean-up
activities, for example to disconnect from a database. Methods annotated with
@AfterClass need a static modifier to work with JUnit.
Will ignore the test method. This
is useful when the underlying code has been changed and the test case has not
yet been adapted. Or if the execution time of this test is too long to be
@Test (expected = Exception.class)
Fails, if the method does not
throw the named exception.
Fails, if the method takes longer
than 100 milliseconds.
JUnit provides methods to test for certain
conditions, these methods typically start with asserts and
allow to specify the error message, the expected and the actual result. The
following table gives an overview of the available methods to check certain
Let the method fail. Might be used
to check that a certain part of the code is not reached. Or to have failing
test before the test code is implemented.
assertTrue(true) /
Will always be true / false. Can
be used to predefine a test result, if the test is not yet implemented.
assertTrue([message], boolean
Checks that the boolean condition
is true.
assertsEquals([String message],
expected, actual)
Tests that two values are the
same. Note: for arrays the reference is checked not the content of the arrays.
assertsEquals([String message],
expected, actual, tolerance)
Test that float or double values
match. The tolerance is the number of decimals which must be the same.
assertNull([message], object)
Checks that the object is null.
assertNotNull([message], object)
Checks that the object is not
assertSame([String], expected,
Checks that both variables refer
to the same object.
assertNotSame([String], expected,
Checks that both variables refer
to different objects.
If you use Eclipse no additional setup is
required. Please skip this section.
Eclipse allows you to use a version of JUnit
which is integrated in Eclipse.
If you want to control the used JUnit library
explicitly, download JUnit4.x.jar from the following JUnit website. The
download contains the junit-4.*.jar which is the JUnit library. Add this
library to your Java project and add it to the classpath.
Eclipse supports the creation and execution of
JUnit tests of of the box. It provides wizards to create unit tests.
Eclipse also provides the Alt+Shift+X,+T shortcut
to run the selected JUnit test.
To see the result of a JUnit test, Eclipse uses
the JUnit View which show the results of the
tests. By default this view will always be shown if you run unit test, but you
can also configure it, that it is only shown if you have a failing test.
JUnit uses a lot of static methods and Eclipse
cannot always correctly automatically import static imports.
You can make the JUnit test methods available
via the content assists.
Open the Preferences via Window → Preferences and
select Java → Editor → Content Assist → Favorites.
Use the new New Type button to
add the org.junit.Assert type. This makes for example the assertTrue,assertFalse and assertEquals methods directly available in the content assists.
You can now use Content Assist (Ctrl+Space) to
add the method and the import.
Create a new project
called de.vogella.junit.first.
Create a new source
folder test. For this right-clicking on your project,
select Properties and choose the Java Build Path .
Select the Source tab.
Press the Add
folder button, afterwards press the Create new folder button.
Create the test folder.
Alternatively you can
add a new source folder by right-clicking on a project and selecting New → Source
In the src folder, create
the de.vogella.junit.first package and the
following class.
package de.vogella.junit.first;
public class MyClass {
public int multiply(int x, int y) {
return x / y;
Right click on your new
class in the Package Explorer View and
select New → JUnit Test Case.
In the following wizard
select New JUnit 4 test and set the source folder to test, so that your test
class gets created in this folder.
Press the Next button
and select the methods which you want to test.
the JUnit library in not part of the classpath of your project, Eclipse will
prompt you to add it. Use this to add JUnit to your project.
Create a test with the
following code.
package de.vogella.junit.first;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MyClassTest {
public static void testSetup(){
// Preparation of the unit tests
public static void testCleanup(){
// Teardown for data used by the unit tests
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testMultiply() {
MyClass tester = new
assertEquals("Result", 50, tester.multiply(10, 5));
Right click on your new
test class and select Run-As → JUnit Test.
The result of the tests
will be displayed in the JUnit View.
The test should be
failing (indicated via a red bar).
This is because our
multiplier class is currently not working correctly (it does a division instead
of multiplication). Fix the bug and re-run test to get a green bar.
If you have several
tests you can combine them into a test suite. Running a test suite will execute
all tests in that suite.
To create a test
suite, select your test classes → right click on it → New → Other → JUnit → Test
Select the Next button
and select the methods for which you want to create a test.
Change the code to the
following to make your test suite run your test. If you develop another test
later you can add it to@Suite.SuiteClasses.
package mypackage;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
@Suite.SuiteClasses({ MyClassTest.class })
public class AllTests {
You can also run your
tests from via your own code. The org.junit.runner.JUnitCore class provides therunClasses() method which
allows you to run one or several tests classes. As a return parameter you
receive an object of the type org.junit.runner.Result. This object can be
used to retrieve information about the tests.
In your test folder create a
new class MyTestRunner with the following
code. This class will execute your test class and write potential failures to
the console.
package de.vogella.junit.first;
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
public class MyTestRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Result result =
(Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
Unit testing uses also
mocking of objects. In this case the real object is replaced by a replacement
which has a predefined behavior the test. There are several frameworks
available for mocking. To learn more about mock frameworks please see EasyMock Tutorial
Testing with EasyMock
This tutorial explains testing with the EasyMock framework within Eclipse. It is based on the EasyMock 3.1 release.
Table of Contents
1. Prerequisites
The following tutorial is based on an understanding of unit testing with the JUnit framework.
In case your are not familiar with JUnit please check the following JUnit Tutorial.
EasyMock is a mock framework which can be easily used in conjunction with JUnit. The following description demonstrates the usage of EasyMock.
EasyMock instantiates an object based on an interface or class.
import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createNiceMock; .... // ICalcMethod is the object which is mocked ICalcMethod calcMethod = createNiceMock(ICalcMethod.class);
method creates a mock which returns default values for methods which are not overiden. A mock created with the Mock()
method will fails in such a case.
EasyMock has several methods which are used to configure the Mock object. The
method tells EasyMock to simulate a method with certain arguments. The andReturn()
method defines the return value of this method for the specified method parameters. The times()
method defines how often the Mock object will be called.
method is called to make the Mock object available.// setup the mock object expect(calcMethod.calc(Position.BOSS)).andReturn(70000.0).times(2); expect(calcMethod.calc(Position.PROGRAMMER)).andReturn(50000.0); // Setup is finished need to activate the mock replay(calcMethod);
Download EasyMock from the EasyMock Homepage and add the
library to your classpath.http://easymock.org/
package com.vogella.testing.easymock.first; public enum Position { BOSS, PROGRAMMER, SURFER }
package com.vogella.testing.easymock.first; public interface ICalcMethod { double calc(Position position); }
package com.vogella.testing.easymock.first; public class IncomeCalculator { private ICalcMethod calcMethod; private Position position; public void setCalcMethod(ICalcMethod calcMethod) { this.calcMethod = calcMethod; } public void setPosition(Position position) { this.position = position; } public double calc() { if (calcMethod == null) { throw new RuntimeException("CalcMethod not yet maintained"); } if (position == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Position not yet maintained"); } return calcMethod.calc(position); } }
class should be tested. The class has the purpose to calculate the salary of a person based on the provided method and position. Obviously the test depends on the provided methods.
Create a new
source folder in your project.
Create a new test for
and place the new test class in this folder.package com.vogella.testing.easymock.first.test; // use static imports to // have direct access to these methods import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createNiceMock; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.replay; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.verify; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.vogella.testing.easymock.first.ICalcMethod; import com.vogella.testing.easymock.first.IncomeCalculator; import com.vogella.testing.easymock.first.Position; public class IncomeCalculatorTest { private ICalcMethod calcMethod; private IncomeCalculator calc; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // NiceMocks return default values for // unimplemented methods calcMethod = createNiceMock(ICalcMethod.class); calc = new IncomeCalculator(); } @Test public void testCalc1() { // Setting up the expected value of the method call calc expect(calcMethod.calc(Position.BOSS)).andReturn(70000.0).times(2); expect(calcMethod.calc(Position.PROGRAMMER)).andReturn(50000.0); // Setup is finished need to activate the mock replay(calcMethod); calc.setCalcMethod(calcMethod); try { calc.calc(); fail("Exception did not occur"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } calc.setPosition(Position.BOSS); assertEquals(70000.0, calc.calc(), 0); assertEquals(70000.0, calc.calc(), 0); calc.setPosition(Position.PROGRAMMER); assertEquals(50000.0, calc.calc(), 0); calc.setPosition(Position.SURFER); verify(calcMethod); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testNoCalc() { calc.setPosition(Position.SURFER); calc.calc(); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testNoPosition() { expect(calcMethod.calc(Position.BOSS)).andReturn(70000.0); replay(calcMethod); calc.setCalcMethod(calcMethod); calc.calc(); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testCalc2() { // Setting up the expected value of the method call calc expect(calcMethod.calc(Position.SURFER)).andThrow(new RuntimeException("Don't know this guy")).times(1); // Setup is finished need to activate the mock replay(calcMethod); calc.setPosition(Position.SURFER); calc.setCalcMethod(calcMethod); calc.calc(); } }
After execution of the test you can call the
method to check if the mock object was called as defined.
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